Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Saturday at Home.

It's been a long time since I stayed at home for an entire day.  Chris and I got a lot done around the house.  It always feels good to have a squeaky clean home, even if it doesn't last long.  Aside from the salt and slush that gets dragged in because it's a Michigan winter, having three animals in the house makes it hard to keep the place clean.  I love those little faces too much to part with them, though...

I did not do any Tae-Bo today.  However, that is because I spent about six hours cleaning, shoveling snow, and bathing the sixty-five pound dog pictured above. (He was a pup when that photo was taken.)  Trust me, I burned plenty of calories.

I rebounded from yesterday's junk food bender.  I woke up too late to have breakfast, so settled for a cup of coffee before I started my housework.  For lunch, I made some light tuna salad and stuffed it into hollowed out tomatoes.  I had seen it on the menu at a diner and decided to try it.  It turned out to be really tasty.  Chris and I each ate two tomatoes, but I think next time I'll just have one and find something to accompany it.  For dinner, we had leftovers... nothing to write home about.

Now, I'm looking forward to a Saturday night in.  We're watching Mad Men, Season 1 Disc 2.  So far, it's an excellent show.

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