Monday, April 4, 2011

Busy Day.

Chris and I normally do our grocery shopping on Sunday evening.  The grocery store is particularly busy at that time, so we decided to shake things up and go this evening instead.  By the time we ate dinner, did the shopping, got home, unloaded the groceries, and finished a few chores it was 8:30.  I go to bed at 10:00, so that leaves me with an hour and a half to relax.  Well, less than that because I've obligated myself to write in this blog every day and I don't consider this relaxation.

I don't know about you, but I can't just go, go, go and then immediately get in bed and fall asleep.  I need to wind down.  I'm not so sure that this Monday night shopping thing is going to work for me.

I realized yesterday that I never posted the payout amount for the weight loss challenge.  I probably forgot because it was a stinking $35.  I was hoping to at least double my money.  Oh well.  Now, I'm just hoping that I won't need to lose ten pounds when next January rolls around.

I wonder if other bloggers hear the "Doogie Howser, M.D." theme music when they write in their blogs at the end of the day.  Maybe it's just me because I'm a big "How I Met Your Mother" fan.

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