Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's Sunny and Cold. Boo.

Sunny and warm would be great.  Regardless, I am talking Jet out for a nice long walk today.  I'll just have to bundle up.

I've spent the morning shopping.  I bought a banana yellow, high waisted pencil skirt that looks great on me.  I very much have an hourglass figure, so anything that sits high on the waist looks pretty good on me.  Hip-huggers are another story.

I won't be around this evening to post, so I thought that I would just post now.  I'm going to go ahead and consider today a pretty good day in light of how the past week has been.  I just now ate lunch and I had some tuna salad with a Cheez-It 100 Calorie Pack.  That doesn't really follow the 17 Day Diet rules, but it's not a bad lunch.  I'm having Indian food for dinner, which is in general not terrible for you.  In fact, most Americans could probably benefit from eating more Indian inspired food.

Off spend some quality time with my dog.

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