Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Another Snow Storm.

There are several inches of new snow on the ground and it's still falling pretty heavily.  The ride home from work was a joy, and I'm sure that the ride in tomorrow will be just as wonderful.  We didn't shovel the driveway this evening, so I may have to skip my morning workout tomorrow to help Chris shovel before work.  That's okay, I will still be getting some exercise.

I tried the protein powder hot chocolate that I mentioned yesterday and it was every bit as nasty as the chocolate water.  I even used half the water.  Part of the problem is that the powder does not dissolve in the water.  Even though the directions tell me that I can blend, shake, or stir, I really think that blending might be a requirement.  Chris, being the smart ass that he often is, suggested that I take our Magic Bullet to work to make smoothies at my desk.  I have to admit, it would be pretty comical to someone making a milkshake in their cubicle with a Magic Bullet.

Anyway, tomorrow will be trial number three in the protein powder experiment.  This time I am mixing it with skim milk.  That is probably the first thing that I should have tried.  If that doesn't work, maybe I'll take my aunt's advice and stick with water.  I'd really like to find something that works though.

I was very good today.  I didn't have any sweets!  Not even low cal/Weight Watchers sweets.  Of course now that I mentioned sweets, I want chocolate.  I do believe there is some fat-free, sugar-free pudding in the refrigerator...

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