Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rude Awakening.

I woke up at 1:30 this morning because I heard our dog, Jet, pacing up and down our hallway.  Then, I heard another all too familiar sound:  the sound of our cat, Max, having an epileptic seizure.

I got up as quickly as I could get my body to function and went to find him.  He had stopped seizing by the time I got there, but was laying in a puddle of his own urine and looked terrified.  He's on medicine for seizures and hasn't had one for five months.  He seems okay tonight, but I feel terrible for the little guy.  My pets are the closest thing that I have to children.

Aside from the early morning drama, today was a decent day.  I didn't eat anything that I'm ashamed of, and I got a good arm workout in at the gym this morning.

Random fact of the day...
Did you know that a serving size of pan spray is a "1/4 second spray"?  I'd like to know who makes a pan small enough that you can coat it with a 1/4 second spray.  I would also guess that there are some people out there that can't move their trigger finger that fast.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh no, poor kitty! Hope he is feeling better. What a sweet pup for being concerned for Max. Good boy Jet!

Keep up the good work Michelle!

P.S. Glad comments are fixed.